
SAPB1 Get Working Day Difference 計算工作日

SAPB1 Get Working Day Difference 計算工作日

Author : Willie
Date: 2016/04/14

利用傳入二個參數(啟始日,結束日) 來回傳工作天數。


其中引用了Will 保哥的SQL技巧來設計此Function。

1:  CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[My_GetWorkingDayDiff_F]  
2:  (  
3:      -- Add the parameters for the function here  
4:     @p_StartDate datetime,  
5:     @p_EndDate datetime  
6:  )  
7:  RETURNS int  
8:  /************************************************************  
9:  * 程式名稱: My_GetWorkingDayDiff_F  
10:  * 報表名稱:  
11:  * 目  的: 判斷 B1年度假日和周末, 回傳工作天  
12:  * 作  者: Willie  
13:  * 撰寫日期: 2016/04/13  
14:  * 參數說明: @p_StartDate=起始日期, @p_EndDate=結束日期  
15:  * 回  傳: Days (int)  
16:   SELECT dbo.[RA_GetWorkingDayDiff_F]('2015-04-29', '2014-05-03') --輸入日期, 也可以用getdate()  
17:   (4/29~5/2 Labor Day, RA Office is closed)  
18:  ************************************************************/  
19:  AS  
20:  BEGIN  
21:      -- Declare the return variable here  
22:      declare @intCount int, @intDayOff int,@resultDay int ----計算指日期指標  
23:      declare @date datetime ---- 計算中日期  
24:      Declare @DayDiff int;  
25:      Declare @flagPositive BIT;  
26:      -- --------------------------------------------------  
27:      -- Init  
28:      SET @DayDiff = DATEDIFF(day,@p_StartDate,@p_EndDate);  
29:      SET @flagPositive = 1;  
30:      IF @DayDiff < 0  
31:    SET @flagPositive = 0;  
32:      IF @p_EndDate < @p_StartDate  
33:    set @date = @p_EndDate  
34:      ELSE  
35:    set @date = @p_StartDate  
36:     SET @intCount = 0;    
37:     SET @intDayOff = 0;  
38:     -- --------------------------------------------------  
39:      WHILE ( @intCount <ABS(@DayDiff) AND @p_StartDate<>@p_EndDate )-------------- loop begin  
40:      BEGIN  
41:    SET @date = DATEADD(DAY, 1, @date) ---- @p_StartDate 開始日期  
42:    --Is Weekend  
43:    IF (DATEDIFF( DAY, '17530101', @date )% 7/5 ) = 1 -- If begin  
44:     SET @intDayOff = @intDayOff+1  
45:    ELSE  
46:    BEGIN  
47:     -- 取得SAPB1裡的假日設定  
48:     IF ( SELECT COUNT(EndDate)  
49:      FROM HLD1  
50:      WHERE HldCode = YEAR(@date)  
51:      AND (CAST(@date As datetime) BETWEEN StrDate AND EndDate) ) >= 1  
52:     BEGIN  
53:     SET @intDayOff = @intDayOff+1  
54:     END  
55:    END  
56:    -- endif  
57:    set @intCount = @intCount+1  
58:       END -------------- loop end  
59:       If @flagPositive =1  
60:    SET @resultDay = ( @DayDiff - @intDayOff );  
61:    ELSE  
62:    SET @resultDay = ( @DayDiff +@intDayOff );  
63:   -------------------------------------------------   
64:   RETURN @resultDay;  
65:  END  

~ Thank You ~

2017/01/03 修正第51行,當>= 1時即為在SAP上設定的假日

[1]  Will 保哥, 如何用簡單的 SQL 技巧取得特定日期是否為週末假日 http://blog.miniasp.com/post/2009/01/20/How-to-use-simple-T-SQL-to-get-weekend-status-in-date.aspx


SAPB1 Rounding in price list not working 無法四捨五入

Rounding in price list not working

Date: 2016/04/04
SAPB1 version: 8.82


On of price list rounding method set to `Round to Full Amount` in our system. 
But it still exists decimal rows in that price list (Currency is NTD).
近日由於接觸了SAPB1,這中間其實遇上了不少的奇妙現象,其中這個問題是Price List 即便設了`Round to Full Amount`但仍有小數位存在!


This is a SAP problem, and a possible solution (tested locally) is to change the field Decimal of Currency NTD (administration -> Setup -> Financial -> Currency) from value 2 to Default

Default will take the value set into General Setting -> Display (in which there is value 2), but in this way the field Rounding under pricelist will be used, that is will be used the Rounding to Full Amount

To change this, it’s necessary that

•         anyone in SAP will be disconnected
•         change that value Decimal
•         change the field Rounding to No Rounding into target pricelist , and then change again the field in “Rounding to full amount”

SAPB1 編號 2033997 - Rounding in price list not working after decimal changes in “Currency - Setup” window
正是描寫了這個問題確實存在,是一個系統的Bug ,上述的做法與原廠的並不相同,而利用變更原來的設定再重新使它生效的方式。有興趣的人可以找找看上述的文件。